
About Me
Psychodynamic Child, Adolescent & Young Adult Therapist
I've worked with children and young people in various capacities for my whole career. I have an MSc in Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents from Birkbeck, University of London and have since completed a further certificate in working with adolescents and young adults. My therapeutic work includes several years as a school counsellor in 5 different primary and secondary schools in Croydon and Redhill. I currently work as a therapist in a local secondary school (11-18) as well as in my private practice in Nutfield, Surrey.
Whether you are coming to therapy yourself or bringing your child to see me, if you decide to engage in this process with me, we are entering into a unique relationship, one which will affect us both in as yet unknown ways.
What value can Psychodynamic Psychotherapy bring you?

I offer you a welcoming, safe and confidential space where you, or your child, can feel comfortable enough to trust me and, eventually, to speak about the difficulties you may be experiencing.
Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy deals with the mind’s unconscious processes.
Some people think of the human mind as like an iceberg: the part of the iceberg visible above the water is the “conscious” part of the mind, the mind we use to think and make decisions. The rest of the iceberg could be likened to the “unconscious” mind, the part where many memories and experiences are stored and “forgotten”.
Many people come to therapy because they become aware of unwanted or harmful reactions to situations or people. For example, “when this person says this, I become extremely angry”, or “when I’m called into the boss’s office, I feel like a child again”.
In order to try to understand where these thoughts or feelings come from, a psychodynamic counsellor or therapist will be listening carefully to your spoken and unspoken words, reflecting on what they hear and encouraging you to do the same. In short, we try to make links or connections between the present and the past, making the unconscious conscious.
Please contact me for more information:
Contact Info
+44 7926 190132
Robert Denholm House, Bletchingley Road, Nutfield, Surrey, RH1 4HW